Are survey-based stories important?

You may have noticed an increasing number of survey-based stories in recent weeks. These detail how drivers and garages are behaving, with topics such as the failure to upsell oil, fitting winter tyres or driving without an MOT just some of those covered.

But can you take these stories seriously? After all, they represent a small proportion of UK drivers and businesses. In this latest video, Auto Repair Focus Editor Phil Curry explores why there are so many survey-based articles, and how useful they are…

And yes, he really does own that jacket…!

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The increase in survey-based stories

Aftermarket suppliers, carmakers, used-car centres, retail giants and more are conducting various surveys across their client bases, or through independent survey providers. As the world around us changes, alongside the automotive industry, understanding is becoming more important than ever.

There have been numerous survey-based stories on Auto Repair Focus in recent weeks, so many, in fact, that we have established a new category feed so you can see them all together. Of course, a dramatic number is great for PR, and guarantees a company some column inches. But overall there is some fact within the numbers.

Yes, the sample size may be low, it may be concentrated on a particular demographic, but these are still people, they have answered, and they will not be the only ones thinking that way.

Therefore the aftermarket can learn much from survey-based stories. You can find out more about this subject, and just what points can be taken, by watching the latest Auto Repair Focus video.

You can also subscribe for free to the Auto Repair Focus YouTube channel, to ensure you never miss a video again. As we increase our multimedia content, these video-based features can explore topics in greater depth, and you can view at any time you want.

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