Tyre safety and the crucial role of wheel alignment

October is once again Tyre Safety month, bringing awareness of the importance of tyres and looking after them to the fore.

This year sees the launch of TyreSafe’s ‘Safe and Save’ campaign. It encourages motorists to stay safe and save money by learning basic tyre care and asks them to ACT: checking the Air pressure, Condition and Tread of their tyres.

Tyre safety is crucial in the proper running of any vehicle, and ensuring drivers are aware of the importance of these rubber parts that are the only contact between car and road is vital. There are many elements that can affect the condition and tread of a tyre, all of which can be looked into by independent garages. 

One crucial area that can have a direct impact on tyre wear and vehicle safety is improper wheel alignment. Straightset has a great deal of knowledge in this market, and has some important points to consider when it comes to the vital role of correct wheel alignment in maximising tyre safety.  

How does wheel alignment improve tyre safety?

Poor alignment can impact tyre safety by shortening a tyre’s lifespan by thousands of miles and significantly impact handling. On the other hand proper alignment promotes even tyre wear, enhances handling and stability, improves fuel efficiency, extends tyre longevity, reduces vibrations, enhances brake performance, reduces stress on suspension components, and makes driving much safer.

The air pressure, condition and tread on a tyre (ACT) are all visual clues for customers to identify with; they can see if any of these are in poor condition for themselves and act on them accordingly to aid tyre safety. Wheel alignment, however, is generally only detected by customers who identify their vehicle pulling to one side when driving, or by a garage conducting a wheel alignment check.

How can garage owners improve their service offering?

By garages including wheel alignment checks onsite, they can promote the benefits of proper alignment, especially when it comes to tyre safety. 

Modern wheel alignment systems use laser, computer, or 3D technology to measure the alignment of each wheel with high precision. This eliminates guesswork and ensures that wheels are aligned to manufacturer specifications. Advanced systems are faster and more efficient than ever, enabling garage owners to offer the service without causing delays for other customers.

Many modern systems are very user-friendly and are intuitive for the technician to operate. Employees can quickly become proficient in using the tools, making it easier to seamlessly integrate wheel alignment services. 

So, what are the key points that UK garage owners should be aware of when integrating wheel alignment services into their offering?

  • Invest in quality equipment 
    Choose a reliable and accurate wheel alignment system that suits your garage’s needs and budget. Research different brands and models to find the one that best fits your requirements.
  • Training 

Ensure that your technicians receive proper training on how to use the equipment effectively as part of the package. This will enable them to provide precise alignment services to your customers from day one.

  • Marketing 
    Promote your wheel alignment services to your existing customers. Highlight the benefits of proper alignment, such as improved tyre life, fuel efficiency, and safety.
  • Regular maintenance
    Keep your wheel alignment equipment well-maintained to ensure accuracy and reliability with a trusted supplier and service partner. Up to date OEM vehicle alignment data, Regular calibration and maintenance checks on wheel aligners are recommended to provide consistent results.

What is available?

Wheel alignment technology is developing all the time, and it is only enhancing the capabilities of what garage owners can offer their customers. Speaking to wheel alignment specialists who can provide genuine choice and flexibility to meet your needs will ensure you have the right wheel alignment system for you.

Straightset is well known for its Supertracker wheel alignment offering and was recently appointed UK partner for Beissbarth, enabling Straightset to offer a wheel alignment solution for any need. 

To see the systems for yourself you can visit Straightset’s Wheel alignment training studio, due to open in early November or contact their wheel alignment specialist. 

For more information on wheel alignment garage equipment, call us on 01909 480055 or email info@straightset.co.uk

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