Key Workers Need Their Cars In Roadworthy Condition
In the face of the coronavirus outbreak, now more than ever, workshops have a vital role to play. While MOT deadlines have been extended, workshops still need to be prepared and willing to repair the cars that are relied on not only by designated key workers such as NHS staff, grocery shop personnel and delivery drivers, but also for those whose jobsdon’t allow them to work from home.
The Government announced that workshops, as well as the motor factors that supply them with the replacement parts they need, can stay open during this COVID-19 pandemic, especially as so many key workers rely on their vehicles.
However, due to the recent statement that MOTs due on or after the 30th March are being extended by six months, many workshops are considering whether to stay open or close the doors.
For those staying open to support motorists, the dilemma is more about how workshops can protect their customer base, whilst keeping staff safe and free from infection. Vehicles will still need repair and service, and now, with the decision to suspend the requirement for an MOT, it is more important than ever to ensure they are kept in a roadworthy condition. Therefore, although business will be reduced, workshops need to try to not let it come to a complete stop. By following Government guidelines regarding cleanliness and social distancing, workshops can continue to keep society moving and provide those important repairs, especially to the staff that the public is relying on.
Global Marketing Director, Jon Roughley, said: “It’s times like this where having the ability to communicate with their customers through effective and efficient means enables workshops to adapt and evolve in these ever-changing circumstances.
“Do they have their customer’s email addresses and phone numbers, with permission to keep them informed? Could theyoperate with a reduction of hours, or carry out some mobile repairs at the customers’ premises? In addition, can their customers contact them in an emergency if they need out of hours advice or repairs?
“By changing the flow of the typical day and how they interact with their customers will enable many businesses to come out of this crisis in a much more positive position.”
For more information about the premium quality products available from First Line Ltd, please call the sales team on: 01869 248484 or visit: www.firstlineltd.com
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